Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pumpkin Investigation

Fall is a season that is fun to celebrate! Often we find ourselves so busy, the season quickly turns to winter and we look back thinking I wish I would have taken the time for some fall fun in the classroom. A pumpkin investigation is a way to bring in some ELA, math, and science into one experience! You could do this with one class pumpkin or a pumpkin per group.

Get a FREE recording sheet for students to use HERE.

To build background, you can begin by studying the life cycle of a pumpkin. Here are videos to help you students picture the process and sing a song to remember!

Life Cycle Picture Video

Life Cycle Song

Take a day to observe the outside of the pumpkin! Have the students share descriptive words to describe the outside of the pumpkin. Then, predict and count the number of lines.

Then, it really gets fun! Take the top of the pumpkin off for the students. Have them describe the inside of the pumpkin and predict the number of seeds. Then, have them scoop out the inside and separate the seeds.

Students can discuss counting strategies once they see HOW MANY seeds are really inside that pumpkin! For example, students can make groups and count by 10's. Come together and discuss- Did the largest pumpkin have the most seeds? How many more seeds did X pumpkin have than Y pumpkin? etc...


Finally, read the story How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? Its a very sweet story about small things being able to have a BIG inside. It also teaches pumpkin facts!

 Exciting, hands-on explorations make some of the best memories!


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