Thursday, July 30, 2015

Summer Share and Prepare 4

Yikes - Can you believe it's almost August? I'm definitely getting into August mode. For me that means getting to school as much as possible to set up my classroom, get things made and organized, finish up summer plans, and start back with PD. My District does a lot of PD at the beginning of August before school starts. And, of course, TPT and blogging along the way.

Welcome to another Summer Share and Prepare Linky!

 Here's how it works:

1. Link Up to a Blog Post about your Product - Please include the image above!  (Or directly to the product if you don't have a blog or are pressed for time)

2. Prepare for next year by reading about other products. Leave some love on other teacher's blogs!

In August while I prep, my mind is always thinking about classroom management and the classroom environment. That dominates most of my planning time initially, and I am a HUGE believer in taking that time at the beginning of the year to have class meetings, learn the routines, and set the stage for listening behavior and positive student interactions.

Honestly, I think that sometimes we expect our students to have manners at school, and we become frustrated when they don't. Feeling frustrated by student behavior is one of the things that can really wear you down at the beginning of the year! It can also make a difference in how much fun your students are having at school! So, while I'm teaching all our routines, management system, and listening behavior, I am going to have class meetings that explicitly teach manners - even the most basic of manners (please, thank you, excuse me). Developing a culture where these "magic words" are used frequently in throughout the classroom interactions will create a warmer environment for students and teachers to thrive!

I distinctly remember watching a video 5 or 6 years ago of reading expert, Debbie Miller (Reading With Meaning), teaching.  She had taught her class to be incredibly polite - to an extreme! It made such an impression on me!

In this product, I created posters for "Please," "Thank You," "Excuse Me," and "I'm Sorry." I also created 30 Situation Cards of common happenings in a classroom. Finally, there are Compliment Cards and Thank You Cards for the students to write to one another to further grow your community.

Some ideas for using the Situation Cards:

You could put them all on a ring (or in a jar) in your classroom and do one a day when you have a few minutes to discuss a "polite" response to each situation.

You could also give each student one card. They could determine a polite response and share/model for the class.

Or, you could use the cards in a "Quiz-Quiz-Trade" format. This is when you give a card to each child. They walk around the room. When you say, "Pair Up," they pair up with the closest friend. They read the card and the other child responds. Then, they trade cards and go onto a new partner. It would be a fun way to practice and get a movement break!

My students write Compliment Cards and Thank You Cards to one another. To avoid distraction, they put them in a bucket. When we have a spare moment, we pull one out and celebrate the greatness happening in our classroom community!

What do you do to instill manners as a habit in your classroom?

You can get the Manners resources HERE! On Sale until August 1st!

We've got one more Summer Share and Prepare left on August 6th! Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summer Share and Prepare 3

Thanks for coming by to see what I'm sharing today!

The purpose of this summer linky is to share a product you made that you think others would like AND use the link up to prepare for next year by seeing others' products.

Summer Share and Prepare:

1. Link Up to a Blog Post about your Product - Please include the image above!  (Or directly to the product if you don't have a blog or are pressed for time)

2. Prepare for next year by reading about other products. Leave some love on other teacher's blogs!

The product I'm sharing is something I've used in the past but made some updates to. Do you ever find that you are searching for holiday activities that are fun, meaningful, and won't create a huge paper/glue mess in your classroom while you are trying to get ready for a break or holiday time? I created a fun writing activity that helps students enjoy the holiday spirit but also have a meaningful task to work on for an extended period of time. I also included a non-holiday roll-a-story board that can be used at any time!

All you need is my roll-a-story boards, the writing paper (included), and a die.

The students roll the die 3 times. One roll determines their character, another roll determines the setting, and the final roll determines their problem. Then, they use their story elements to create a fiction story.
Something that has been really helpful for me with this activity is that the students can use it over and over again. When they roll a second time, they will roll different story elements to work with.

I also included writing paper choices as seen below.

They make great stories to share with the class!
 I have used this tool as an activity leading up to holidays. I have also used it as an independent work activity for a few weeks at a time during my reading/writing block.

You can find the product on sale HERE.

Make sure you check back - There are two more Summer Share and Prepare Linky Parties left this summer!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

TPT Conference Vegas 2015

Wow, what an experience! The 2.5 days in Vegas were packed with fun events, learning, and lots of teacher talk!

My biggest takeaway is one word: GRATEFUL! I have to say how appreciative I am to the presenters. Every presenter is listened to shared valuable insights that made me think and gave me ideas. I am so very grateful that they are willing to give out advice on what has helped them be successful as a TPT Author. It looks easy to post something you made for students, but there is so much more to selling it and providing value for others. They gave me some clarity on what is most important for quality and time well spent!

Walking through the halls of the Venetian, a huge and very crowded hotel/casino/conference center/and more, it was pretty obvious who was a part of the TPT Conference. There’s just something about us as teachers – We are our own breed, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I was feeling so grateful to feel connected to people through a shared passion and very blessed that my career is a passion for me. So many people spend years and years of their life jumping around searching for their passion and some never find it. I am so grateful that God made my passion clear to me at a young age. The TPT Conference was such a positive experience largely because of the energy from the shared passion we teachers have! Now, I can grow my passion even further as I grow as a TPT Seller.

(Finding some Chicago Bloggers at the first meetup was so exciting and a little relief for a first timer like me!)

 Another big takeaway I had while feeling overwhelmed with tips and info in the sessions, was to focus on my strengths. I’m going to focus on a few different types of products that are really what I am best at! That way, I am sure that what I am offering on TPT is my best. You will know what you’re hoping to find when you come to my store. Same with social media, while I’m active on many different social media platforms, I am going to really invest in a few for now so I can offer more and connect more with my followers.

The best takeaway was feeling blessed by the time with new friends and old friends that inspire me! The creativity and dedication of the teachers I met is unique.  We discussed life in our cities, classrooms, and discussed products and resources we like to use. We laughed A LOT. One of the TPT employees described the conference as summer camp for teachers – sooo true! On Wednesday, I felt like I hardly knew anyone. But by Friday, we were friends. I look forward to keeping in touch!  

  Though there are many more details to share, I am going to end with a powerful reflection shared by Rachel Lynette. She explained the IMPACT the creativity of TPT products is having on education, instruction, and life in classrooms across the country/world. For example, she talked about how she made task cards and so many other teachers started making task cards too. Before we knew it, task cards began being used in so many classrooms, improving differentiation and engagement! So, as we develop, improve, and share our specialties, we are not only making an impact on teachers and students, but also on the trends in education. Change is happening so much faster by sharing what we create. I’m ready to team with other teachers as we create and collaborate to improve education!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Before Vegas Thoughts!

Hi All!

I am going to do a before Vegas and after Vegas post to update you on the TPT Vegas experience. I am bringing my husband along so we can stay a few extra days. We are planning to head over to Zion National Park in Utah for a little exploration! We've got some adventurous hikes planned... and this girl is not so sure she loves heights...  I'll let you know how I do!

I'm doing a little self reflection before I head out that maybe will resonate with some of you as teachers, TPT sellers, bloggers, wives, and mothers. I am guilty of perfectionist tendencies... I love to reach my potential and push myself to do more so that everything under my care is the best that it can be. Anyone else like that too? Here's what I've already learned in just 4 years of teaching... it's really hard to make everything in your life the best that it can be at ONE time.

Well organized classroom, best instruction/assessment and all that we do each day to keep our students and families moving forward, a clean house, time to take care of loved ones, cooking healthy meals, exercise and sleep, a content-rich blog and social media, a happening TPT Store, and new products in the making! Have you expected that from yourself on one given day? I have. Several times. Then, I go to bed at night feeling like my product is not done, I need to go into school early to get a few more things ready for the students that day, and cleaning will have to get done tomorrow night. To me, incomplete tasks feel messy and uncomfortable.

Sometimes that product that you thought you would have done by Thursday isn't done until the next Friday. Sometimes those messy periods go on for a while, and it takes time before it reaches the beautiful you had in mind. But pouring 100% of yourself into all that you do, you will eventually reach the beautiful you set out to achieve (or even more than what you imagined). A personal goal of mine is to feel more content "in the mess" as I reach toward my goal. After all, God tells us "He has made everything beautiful in it's time" Ecclesiastes 3:11.

My goal for the TPT Conference is to have fun, learn how to create and sell better products, set new goals for my personal growth, learn time management strategies from more experienced sellers, and be inspired by very creative people. My goal is NOT to compare myself to sellers that have had huge success or have 10X the amount of products in their store and a few thousand more followers. I will not leave feeling overwhelmed and putting pressure on myself. That takes all the fun out of this journey and will not lead to joyful personal growth. Creating for my students and other teachers is FUN and so rewarding. There are products I have purchased from other sellers that have made my life easier and made creative learning possible for my students when I wouldn't otherwise have the time/resources to do so. I am so honored when other teachers find the same value in using my products, and their students enjoy engaging with the content. Impacting students' lives and teachers' lives is why I went into teaching, and TPT is a part of that now. Additionally, learning how to think more like an entrepreneur and being a part of the greater teacher community is challenging me and teaching me each step of the way.

I promise myself to be happy with where I am in my TPT journey today and celebrate every 2 inches of progress I make. Progress is enough - It doesn't have to be a huge stride. Everything in the "messy stage" is a sign that I am on my way to something beautiful! BIG things happen when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zone.

Teaching and creating is not about "doing it all", being perfect, and receiving a reward at the end. It about loving, learning, and growing.  You can't put a price on that!

So carry on strong teachers... As you approach a new experience ahead of you, whether it be the TPT conference, a new school year/position, a new baby, or whatever you are pouring yourself into, remember that you may very well feel that you are in a "mess" as you are challenged but it is leading to something beautiful. Enjoy every step of the way!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Make Your Masterpiece

Hi Everyone!

Third in Hollywood, Teach Create Motivate, Peppy Zesty Teacherista, and Sparkling in Second have been hosting TPT Seller Challenge. This is week 3 where we were asked to create a product, edit the product, and share it this week! My most recent product that I created last week is my Poetry Writing Unit. I recently posted here about this product during the Summer Share and Prepare linky, so I don't want to do a repeat post. I'll keep this one brief :).

In this product, I introduced a variety of techniques, types of poetry, a language game, and a celebration. I recommend reading LOTS of poetry to your students and noticing the techniques. This product could be used day by day or in the form of a packet. It would be perfectly paired with a poetry binder where students collect poetry written by themselves and other authors. (Covers for both types of binders included) 

The reason I created this product is because I wasn't able to find something with just the right amount of introduction to types of poetry and techniques but also the depth/rigor to push them to create quality poetry.

Do you teach poetry? Do you have any resources or techniques that are must haves for you?

Find the product here. It is ON SALE through Thursday!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Five for Friday 7-3

Ah, teachers, it's July already! Oh my goodness! Summer, slow down, please. Now.

Hope your JULY is off to a good start! Here's to the first Five for Friday link up of the month!

Last Saturday, a group of us that live in near Chicago got together at Maggianos for a Blogger Meet-Up! We had such fun getting to know each other and sharing stories from teaching, blogging, and life! I hope to see all these fabulous teachers again soon! 
My husband and I celebrated our anniversary. Our anniversary was actually June 21st, but since it was Father's Day and our dads were both available we celebrated a little before the actual day and a little after! We went to our rehearsal dinner restaurant and then back to the church where we got married to say our vows to each other again. Here in Chicago June has been a summer monsoon, so of course it was raining so we found a little archway to stand under outside the church balcony. I love the vows my husband wrote for me and even though I have them up in our home, it is so special to hear him read them to me. It truly reminds me of God's love for me and how His love shines through my husband.

Then, we went to Lake Geneva, WI which is about 2 hours away from us. We did an overnight there and did as much free (or close to it) fun that we could do! We played tennis, basketball, swam, walked the lakeshore path, went out for ice cream, and played mini-golf! It was refreshing to get away (off our computers) and just have carefree fun together! Can't do that enough!

 We are even more excited for our 2nd year of marriage. We are about to begin the 40 day Love Dare Challenge - It's a devotional book for couples where you take on the challenge of doing 1 for 40 days in a row, no breaks! Then, we are going to start a study, "A Couple After God's Own Heart."

We had my (baby) brother's high school graduation party! I put together this picture board for him. He's always been such an adorable kid! It was such a blessing to see him have fun with other great highschool grads! He had such a great group of friends that also are grounded in the Lord. I will really miss him having friends like that, but I hope he makes great new friendships as he starts college.

 This weekend we are off to Ohio to celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday. She's very healthy and active. She's been a widow for 3 years so her time with family is really important for her. Glad we can make it! :)

Have you had lots of family events this summer?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer Share and Prepare

Hi All! Thanks for coming by for the 2nd linky of Summer Share and Prepare. The purpose of this summer linky is to share a product you made that you think others would like AND use the link up to prepare for next year by seeing others' products.

Summer Share and Prepare:

1. Link Up to a Blog Post about your Product - Please include the image above!  (Or directly to the product if you don't have a blog or are pressed for time)

2. Prepare for next year by reading about other products. Leave some love on other teacher's blogs!

I'm sharing about a Poetry Writing Unit that I created. It would be best fit for grades 2nd -5th. I created this product for two reasons. One, it seems like every time I go to a literacy conference, they stress the importance of poetry and how it is often left out of standards and district provided resources. Some teachers feel like they struggle with poetry, and it doesn't get taught as much as it should. I also have searched on TPT and had a hard time finding something that I thought reached a deep enough level and a range of poetry skills.

The resource that I created helps introduce poetry techniques and different types of poems. It would make a great binder or packet to get students started with quality poetry. They could use the pages for practice and as a model as they continue adding to their collection.

Techniques included - Using Poet's Eyes, Comparisons, Creating Mood, Using Figurative Language, Using Precise Language, small moment/big feeling, repetition, and using line breaks.

Types of Poems- Conversation Poem, "I am" Poem, Acrostic Poem, Shape Poem, List Poem, Couplet Poem, and a Sensory Poem.

Also included are figurative language posters, a precise language game, ideas for a Poetry Celebration, poetry cafe posters, and poetry writing paper.

While immersing your students in poetry and using mentor texts, this resource is just what you need to help your students become poets! When I began teaching these techniques to my students, I have to admit, I thought to myself, I would have to work hard to use these techniques well, how are second graders really going to be able to create mood in their poetry? However, with modeling and practice, I was truly amazed with how much they learned and how far they came. I think sometimes children are even more creative than we are, and it makes for such fun! When we were practicing with using our poet's eyes to see objects differently, one of my students picked up a red/yellow patterned paper clip I had and said, "When I use my poet's eyes, this looks like a mommy and a baby wearing the same outfit." Now, I've never looked at a paper clip in the same way!

 Here my students are doing a poetry gallery/compliment walk around the room reading each others' work in progress and leaving compliments on a post-it note!

Head over HERE to my TPT Store to check out my product. It is on sale through Sunday!