Monday, July 6, 2015

Make Your Masterpiece

Hi Everyone!

Third in Hollywood, Teach Create Motivate, Peppy Zesty Teacherista, and Sparkling in Second have been hosting TPT Seller Challenge. This is week 3 where we were asked to create a product, edit the product, and share it this week! My most recent product that I created last week is my Poetry Writing Unit. I recently posted here about this product during the Summer Share and Prepare linky, so I don't want to do a repeat post. I'll keep this one brief :).

In this product, I introduced a variety of techniques, types of poetry, a language game, and a celebration. I recommend reading LOTS of poetry to your students and noticing the techniques. This product could be used day by day or in the form of a packet. It would be perfectly paired with a poetry binder where students collect poetry written by themselves and other authors. (Covers for both types of binders included) 

The reason I created this product is because I wasn't able to find something with just the right amount of introduction to types of poetry and techniques but also the depth/rigor to push them to create quality poetry.

Do you teach poetry? Do you have any resources or techniques that are must haves for you?

Find the product here. It is ON SALE through Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Nice job!! I love how you made one because you couldn't find exactly what you wanted! That happens to me too! :)
