Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 3: Organization

I'm sure most of you would probably agree, but teachers are the queens of organization. I thought I was super organized, and then I saw other blogs! Why is it that teachers love labels so much? :) Unfortunately, since my room isn't done and I took the day off from my classroom (yay, me!), I don't have any pictures to show how I organize. So instead, I'll type it out in an "organized" list!

1. Use a number system - This is one of my biggest tips in keeping organized. At the beginning of the year, assign a number to each student. This will save time of relabeling things in the beginning of each year. Everything in my room is numbered for the students: Popsicle sticks, files, mailboxes, book boxes, hooks for backpacks, etc. It makes it SO much easier!

2. File your papers by subject or topic - I have found it's easier to find things if they are filed away by topic. For example, in my filing cabinet, I have a section for reading. Within that section, I have "Main Idea," "Sequencing," etc. This makes it super easy for me to find my materials when I need them.

3. Binders - Keep binders for yourself! I have a main binder that holds my lesson plans, student information, and other materials. This helps me keep those important everyday things handy! Check out my TPT store for the one I made! I also have one for Guided Reading. This is where I keep my lessons, reading strategies, and data. It's convenient come meeting time to just grab the binder and go!

I think it is so important for teachers to stay organized and maintain a clean room. This not only helps them, but it sets a positive example for students!

Now, to jazz this up a little, I think we should have a giveaway. Leave a comment below with your favorite organizational tip and I will choose a winner by the end of the day tomorrow to win my Teacher Binder Pack! Sound good? Ready... Set... Go!!! ;)



  1. I am using the number system in my classroom this year. My favorite organizational tip is to have bins for everyday of the week. Then I can organize my copies and all materials that I need for that day in the bin. It definitely helps me stay organized.


  2. Binders, milk crates and colored folders with matching spirals. Also a tub for substitute teachers. These all keep me sane.

  3. Alright, Lilly and Rayna... since you both were the only ones to comment, you're BOTH getting the binder pack! I'll send it to you tonight! :) Great organizational tips!
